You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 27, 2002 - 4:16 p.m.

I saw Lord of the Rings Part the Second last night, with Molly and Roland. I bought four tickets (well, I made my Mum buy the tickets because I was in my pyjamas all day) in a frenzy and had to end up taking one back. I was so frenzied that day. What a frenzied day.

We ended up sitting right near the front, which gave me what I like to term 'a sore neck'. I ate an ice-cream.

The movie was good. Some people who you excpected to see had to be slotted in in dream sequences and stuff, which was lame. I thought that Golem looked a lot like Dobby the House Elf. I liked that there was a horse that seemed to be called Shadowfax. I think that Viggo dude is the only male in the world who actually looks better with long hair and random stubble. Man, he's a crazy looking guy. But he gets a lot of chicks in the film, meaning two, which is nice for him.

Also, I like walking trees.

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