You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 25, 2002 - 11:22 a.m.

This Christmas, I got a head cold and a notebook covered in denim, among other things.

This Christmas, everyone gave my Grandad biscuits. This made him real happy.

My favourite present I am giving to someone else is the one for my Aunty. I am giving her a bunch of cards with pictures of insane chickens on them.

The carol night last night in the street ended up OK. I played an untuned guitar, while two violinists materialised, along with sixty or so out-of-tune singers. One time, they all started singing a carol that seriously wasn't in any key. It was right in the middle of F# and G. All in all, it was pretty stressful.

I can't wait to see Lord of the Rings tomorrow.

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