You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) November 25, 2002 - 2:44 p.m.

I had a most ideal weekend. I have itemised it.

  • Friday daytime. I went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding with a small female. Then we ate dinner. It was a chicken salad.

  • Friday night. I got drunk on cask wine and peed in the middle of a forest on a mountain. Diane had to look away.

  • Saturday daytime. I played violin into a microphone emotionally.

  • Saturday night. I went to two parties where I crunched ice at both. Then I watched Baby Carriage in Demonland, which was a very intense movie where every single human being died with spurty blood except a guy and his child. I loved the child.

  • Sunday daytime. Rosie gave me a cigarette on which I burnt my lip. Then I sat on a beanbag on the porch and read about pointillism. Then I had a mega fun band rehearsal. We made up two songs, one of which has less street cred than the other. It is important to realise that BOC ROCKS!!!!!!!

    Maybe I should have spelt that with a 'Z' somewhere.

  • Sunday night. Rosie and I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I forgot how much that movie is so good it makes me want to hug the world. It was a bit of a coincedence, because in the movie, Cameron bonds with the child in the Seurat painting Le Grand Jetee (or something), and I'd just been reading about it on the beanbag in the morning, wondering what the painting would look like up real close. That is the best part of the movie. Then I watched a show about naked chicks wrestling. It was relaxing.

  • The weekend was better than today, which is Monday. This morning, I ran around the city with a glob of coffee foam bouncing around on the end of my nose, which made people stare. Goddamn Mondays.

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