You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 04, 2002 - 4:24 p.m.

Whenever I get sick, I get bad, bad dreams.

Nightmares, if you will.

I had one the other night. Strangely, it was set at night. Rosie and I were driving to a German-themed restaraunt in the outer suburbs in separate cars. We got there, and I accidentally parked in the disabled space, so I had to move my car. Rosie thought I was stupid. So I was just moving my car and stuff, and then some bearded guy jumped in front of my car and waved his hands.

The beard is not relevant to the story.

Anyway, I stopped and turned off the engine, and I heard an announcement over loudspeakers that sounded very much like the guy who does the announcements at the train station.

".... many of us will die, but we will do all we can to stop the invasion," said the announcement.

Then I did one of those classic waking-up-and-gasping things. The fact was, the dream was pretty tame, but it scared the shit out of me for some reason. This always happens when I'm about to get a chest infection. I thought to myself, hey, it's probably morning almost, so people will be getting up, and doing morning stuff. Then I looked at the clock, and it said 1:30AM. This made me worried.

Hey, maybe the country is being invaded right now, I thought. I heard a plane fly overhead, and then some dull thumps that sounded quite far away. Those could be bombs, I thought. Then I discovered I really needed to piss. This was difficult to do, because it involved tripping over a bunch of rubbish on my floor, and even more importantly, getting out from under my nice, safe little doona.

But, I did. Then I got back into bed and worried some more, maybe another half hour.

And then I went back to sleep. That's all.

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