You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 07, 2002 - 11:46 a.m.

I went on an odessey with Miguel and Raztapopulous and others on Friday night. Some of it involved seeing Girls Against Boys. The rest involved getting really tired and watching drunk people be silly and crazy and noisy and extremely immoveable in an apartment I'd never been to.

Being the designated driver, I was the staid, party-pooper one. I was all like, "Miguel! Pipe down!" for the entire night. She fell down a flight of stairs for fun and I had to catch her at the bottom.

Another good part of the night was after Girls Against Boys had played, and Raz and I were thinking of things to do whilst standing around, not being particularly interested in watching Magic Dirt play. This involved staring at all who exited the girls' toilets. We decided to time one who went in to see how long she spent in there, but we never saw her come out. Perhaps she cut a hole in the ceiling and escaped.

Anyway, Girls Against Boys were really nifty. The word I would use to describe them is GROOOOOOOOOOOOOVY. Or even, 'groovy, man'. They played that song that I don't know the name of but they smash a very significant amount of lightbulbs in the music video.

I slept at 4AM. I'm too old for that kind of shit.

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