You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) April 21, 2002 - 9:39 p.m.

Yesterday, for some inexplicable reason, I bought a dining suite.

Well, since I got my student allowance cleared up and stuff, I came into a little money. Not very much, but a bit. Like five hundred buckeroonies. The dining suite cost three hundred buckeroonies.

I know! Even if you don't need one, and have nowhere to put it, it's important not to go past a dining suite for three hundred buckeroonies. It's this ratty dark brown wood thing with four crazy chairs and worn-down leather seats and stuff. It's so ratty. It's great. I'm going to keep it foverer, starting Tuesday.

I got it from Bruno's Bargain Centre. Bruno is a good guy but I could not understand one word he said while he was selling it to me.

I don't know why I bought this dining suite.

I am going to watch Antiques Roadshow on the telly now and I'm going to fucking like it.

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