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(diaryland) February 26, 2002 - 6:29 p.m.

I saw two movies this weekend. I saw From Hell and I saw Made.

From Hell�s set was extremely accurate period detail mixed with extremely innacurate period detail, and it was really great. Unfortunately, the directing was a tad silly at times, so not everything was dead cool. It was pretty funny when the killer wore black contact lenses when he was being evil. And I was glad that in the story, Jack the Ripper didn�t turn out to be who Diane always says he is, which I can�t reveal in case you haven�t seen the movie yet.

Diane just thinks she is the expert on who Jack the Ripper is, which is strange because the mystery hasn�t been solved.

Anyhow, Johnny Depp and Heather Graham both looked very pretty, which in its own way was weird, because everyone else looked flea-bitten. It was particularly disappointing that Heather Graham was so very clean. It was a bit of a mystery as to why she managed to look like she�d just run out of the shower all the time while the rest of the prostitutes looked pretty darn filthy.

Made was good too. Its goodness was elevated by a guest appearance by Screech from Saved By the Bell. That was possibly the highlight of the movie.

P Diddy does not do a bad job of acting, and I wish he�d stick to it instead of making silly songs about being a naughty boy, however catchy they are. He played a peturbed rich dude very nicely. Vince Vaughn was hilarious as some guy who talks shit all the fucking time.

The whole thing reminded me a little bit of a fairytale. Like, some dude goes on a quest to save the princess and it�s difficult, etc. but there�s a happy ending. Which was quite nice.

It was a pretty cute movie, peopled by some super cute characters.

Screech was in it.

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