You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 26, 2002 - 6:36 p.m.

I'm going back to university next week! Yay!

This year, I promise not to:

a) Chat to Canadians on the net till 4AM then begin my major project which is due that day

b) Try to pass off being flustered as a legitimate excuse for an extension

c) Accidentally watch Felicity while drawing blotchy lines on tracing paper

d) Go to school for a lecture, then decide not to right outside the door and then go home

e) Write essays the hour they are due and accidentally write sentences like, "The film gave a glimpse of an underbelly of the film in its mise en scene of the film."

Yep, this year will be great. They said it will be hard, but I will be punctual, organised and, like, conscientious or some bullshit.

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