You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) January 21, 2002 - 4:36 p.m.

What a day, what a day!

That night, I�d seen Jeepers Creepers. The first half of that movie was very scary. Then I went on the net, and wrote in my diary about angsty stuff, which you can see for yourself in my last entry. Then I went to bed.

At 1AM, I suddenly had this huge panic attack. �I�m mortal!� I realised. �I�m going to die one day! Will it hurt?� I get panic attacks like this about once every two or three years. So I went and got an ice block out of the freezer, because that always helps when you�re scared of dying. Roland and Albert were in the lounge room watching badminton on the telly and inventing a comic film, so I listened to them for a while.

Then I went to bed again, calm. In fact, I was so positive about things that I decided I�d get to work on time in the morning, which didn�t make sense because by this stage I wasn�t going to get nearly enough sleep.

But, hey. Somehow, I did manage to get up sometime in the vicinity of 8AM. Needless to say, I felt like crap. I realised I�d forgotten to eat dinner the night before.

I got to the train station on time. OK, well, maybe not really on time. But close. I tried to get a train ticket. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I couldn�t rub two pennies together, and that would have been useless anyway as pennies aren�t our currency. So I ran to the bank, waited for it to open, and begged the teller to give me ten bucks. I had a cheque in there that hadn�t quite cleared yet. She was nice, and did.

So then I ran back to the train station. There was a lady at the ticket box, and she was angry. I found out that she was angry because the trains were fucked. The trains were fucked because someone had died further up on our train line. It was sad. So what I had to do was get on the train for a wee bit, then run onto a special bus, then run back to the train later on. This was harder than expected. A lot of people wanted to run onto the special bus. There was much pushing and shoving and grunting, but finally, I managed to get on. Then the bus driver didn�t know where to go, which was pretty funny at the time. All these people were yelling at him, �Straight ahead! Straight ahead!� �No, go right!�

He went right. This was bad because we then had to go over a plethora of speed humps. I think the bus was over its carrying capacity, which made it worse. After much hair raising, I was back on the train, supremely late for work.

But that wasn�t enough. The train didn�t go the way I wanted it to go. I was forced to get off at the main train station and wander around, panicking. There was no fricking train in the whole place going to my station. None. I had to make do with getting on a train that went kinda close to my work.

So, feeling defeated, I walked to work. I thought, the boss will be mad. He�ll say, �Slept in, huh?�

But no-one was there.

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