You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 27, 2005 - 10:58 a.m.

I'm supposed to be having a shower right now so I can go bust a gut practicing piano at uni right now but suddenly this is more important.

Due to a persistent lack of cable television, Roland and I were forced to watch Practical Magic on television the other day. It was the only thing on instead of sports, and we coiuldn't make conversation for the hour-and-a-half before Wonder Boys was on, so we had to watch it.

You know how you talk at a party when you thought most people were listening to you but somebody else more noisy starts saying something that sounds much more interesting so you try and trail off but you still sort of want to finish the sentence because just abandoning it sounds like you're just giving up but you probably should just give up anyway and you're talking really quiet anyhow because you don't actually want anyone to hear you anymore, you just want them to know you didn't totally trail off? Well, the movie was a lot like that.

It was also about Women's Issues.

It may have been the worst movie I've ever seen, and most of the time I only had one eye focussed on it. If it isn't actually the worst movie I have ever seen, then it is up there with Metro and Mr. Wrong.

That is all.

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