You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) May 22, 2005 - 2:28 p.m.

Woah, I went to a good party last night.

It was the sort of party you go to where you only know the person you're going with and you sort of know two or three other people who you knew would probably be there, but then you imbibe six VBs and suddenly you know everybody as if they were your cousins and somebody starts dragging you along the floor as if you were both four and you see someone spilling alcohol all over the carpet and then suddenly you're dancing to Superstition and making up new dance moves like the 'eating cereal', and somebody says something to you in all confidence and you know exactly what they mean and you get all the trivia questions right and some bearded guy somehow knows what course you're doing at uni even though you have no idea who he is and you're talking to someone who looks exactly like he's Robby Krieger from the Doors everything just feels chilled and relaxed.

It was good though because in actual fact I didn't have to drink anything at all to get to that point except for lemonade when I got a bit thirsty and so I could avoid all that hangover nonsense that happens the next day. Also, I have the added bonus of remembering it all as well, even the bit where this guy I totally didn't know started heckling me randomly as if I had just tried out for a televised singing competition. I don't know why he did that because I hadn't sung anything.

Oh, yes, and I ate a pear which caused a lot of confusion and baffled stares at the time because it was a healthy food. I don't think I've ever seen a person eat a piece of fruit at a party before. I may be the first.

I don't know. I just found it in my bag and went with it.

Anyway, it was good. I stayed until way past my little bedtime and had a freaking awesome time, which is something I've never done unless I've gotten so drunk I vomited all over myself and had to put my shirt on the radiator to dry it off.

Therefore, I have concluded that you do not need to get toasted to have fun at a party. You just need to ensure that everyone else is.

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