You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) February 18, 2005 - 12:04 p.m.

At the moment I'm reading the diary of a small girl who lived one hundred years ago in Vienna.

It's interesting to know that things haven't really changed since then, like the whole experience of the flasher. This kid wrote that she answered the door one time, and some guy on her doorstep opened up his coat and showed her his genatalia. She told her older sister and her sister said yeah, some guy did that to her on the train one time, and she accidentally saw his display twice because she got her scarf stuck in the door while she was frantically trying to run off the train. That's why she didn't like travelling second class.

So this girl saw her flasher when she was about twelve. Her sister told her that most girls had to go through with it eventually.

I got my flasher over and done with very early on. I have written about this in my diary before. I was five and in a tree. I was playing with my friend Gemma, and some other girls were in the tree next to me in the Primary School. The trees were along the fence. Some guy came up to us. He had a moustache and a weird pink banana coming out of his trousers. He said, "I am a policeman. Would you like to touch this? It is a penis." He pointed at the pink banana.

At that point, the bell rang and we all ran off. We probably would have all run off at that time anyway.

The real police came to our class in the afternoon and asked us many things. Unfortunately, some of us started to embellish the story so it sounded a bit silly, but I didn't. And so, I got my first and only interview with the police when I was five also.

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