You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 13, 2005 - 11:57 p.m.

Golly, I'm tired.

I just went to see Rufus Wainwright. He was probably the living person I most wanted to see live who I hadn't actually seen yet, so it was a bit of a relief that it turned out to be so much fun (though not on the feet). He was wearing the tightest police uniform I have seen this side of a Tomahawk gig. I saw his arse crack gaping out of his pants at one point, though it is difficult to keep one's arse contained in one's pants whilst playing piano at the best of times. Believe me, I know.

I got his latest album which contains a very nice centrefold. Much hair was swooped about during the course of the gig.

Rufus Wainwright is a funny little lad. Sort of like, I don't know, a good sort of chap.

Fuck, anyway,....

He played Poses, which was excellent, and Hallelujah and also played many encores.

I really can't write these so-called gig reviews very well, can I? Maybe it's better for all of us if I just popped off to bed.

From 2000.

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