You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) March 29, 2004 - 4:08 p.m.

I began Friday morning by putting on the only pair of clean undies I could find in my room. These clean, black undies that I found didn't look very familiar.

I think these mysterious undies gave me bad luck, man. Later on in the day, whilst driving, I bounced off another car and squished the whole front-left corner of my car in. It was so squished in, bits of the car got wedged into the wheel.

This was not what I needed, man. I had no money, but I did have insurance, I guess. However, I think if I took my crummy squished 1982 stanza to a panelbeater, they might have said, "Look, love. Get a new car."

So, I decided that with a little help, I could unsquish it myself. In fact, it turned out that Roland and my Dad did it all without any of my help, except for holding a screwdriver every now and then and making a giant cup of Tang at one stage.

Roland took off the bumper bar, used his bum mostly to pop the side of the car back into place, and then I took the crumpled bumper to my parents' house and my Dad bashed it for a while until it looked totally brand new.

Our home panelbeating industry probably saved me a thousand bucks or something.


The moral of the story is, Don't put on strange black undies in the morning. But, additionally, do not underestimate the power of the bum as a panelbeating tool.

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