You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) November 29, 2001 - 9:54 a.m.

Oh, my God! Hey! It�s you! How�s it going?

Work sucks now. There�s a new guy who is trying to undermine me.

a) He has this annoying habit of getting to work on time. It makes me look bad when I turn up an hour late every morning. I long for the days when I�d be all alone in the office, and then get a phone call from Rosa at about 2PM saying, �Hey�.. I�m in Canberra right now. I don�t think I�ll make it to work today.�

b) He laughs at things you really shouldn�t laugh at. He asked me what I had for lunch, and I said, �An egg and lettuce sandwich.� Then he laughed hysterically.

c) He actually makes lunch for my boss with bread and cucumbers and stuff.

d) He�s already begun to bitch about the boss, which is great. But he just doesn�t know all the sordid stories about strip clubs and revoltingness that Rosa knows. Rosa knows anything about anyone.

e) He fixed the printer port on one of the computers.

f) He works hard. If you work in my office, it�s an unwritten rule that you take it easy, man.

g) He�s not Rosa.

I know some of those things were not underminey things, but it's all very bad. He also uses the computer right next to me so I can�t play solitaire. I am forced to write diary entries all day long! How traumatic!

I like the way writing a diary entry looks like I�m working damn hard.

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