You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 28, 2001 - 8:43 p.m.

This is a poem just for Rosie! It's not about Rosie! It is in no way affiliated with Rosie! It's just for Rosie! Read it and weep!

love letters for dorks

�have been meaning to write you
down. � � &seeing as we
feel divulged and unchecked together we better.�

�am all for this. can�t imagine a world
without paper mentioning something
about yours truly.�

�killed every thought years before
they got anywhere.     &hate to be coy but
is there anything here?�

�no definitely not�

�look hard.
late into the huge flap of pulp right there
in your trembling hand can�t you see
me setting?     into jelly?
I refuse to see you through mirrors on absurd angles.
    do you shake?
give me a full stop�


Now, here is a picture. It is dedicated to you, dear reader. I call it Desert 2!

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