You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 29, 2001 - 7:58 p.m.

We will be having a Breakfast of Champions photo session tonight. We�re not too sure what we want to be doing in the photographs. We wanted to be wearing penguin suits but we�re not too sure where to get a hold of some. They�d probably be too expensive to hire and we�d probably end up looking like Primus anyway. And we don�t want that.

We�re likely to go stand in an alley or something. But hopefully we won�t look tragic. You know, with silly little expressions on our silly little faces that seemed good at the time. Jon is liable to do that sort of thing, even though in real life he never looks serious. It�s annoying. One time, during a Clearway photo session, we had to look serious and Jon and May forced me to pose with an instrument and it was so poncy and it was bad and I hated it.

What else could we do? I thought a picture of us riding our bikes and waving or alternately, robbing a bank and waving would be fun. I want something fun!

On that note, come see me, Michele the famous kittymunch and Jon, the non-diaryland-member (as far as we know) play! Go, Breakfast of Champions, go! We are playing on September 26 at the Arthouse, and on October something-or-other at Revolver. Twelve or sixteen. I think sixteen. A Tuesday. You have to be in Melbourne, Australia at the time for this to be effective. See us before we get so famous we start living in garish penthouses and start inserting live lobsters into groupies.

And buy Rock n Roll High School Volume 4, dumbasses. Our mind-blowing genius appears on it (under Unfolding Mud). That song was recorded almost two years ago, though. We�ve become more life-like since then. It�s true!

We are recording again soon. That also is true!

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