You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 21, 2001 - 10:41 p.m.

Watch the steam fly!

Stupid sloppy me&them GRR. ____________I can't do anything right and they don't work within the realm of polite physics &/those other ones muscle in.       I just wanted the one who said she could help me to help me. I wasn't going to have help - nope, not at all-- but when she said, I said that sounds nice because I do like her very much and I still do very much I said yes. Yes very much. &then she kneed me in the chest and was very nice indeed about it and the stupid thing is I forgive her/oh, she is verydiplomatic. ONanotherRELATED TOPIC-->I know YOU who CLAIM to be in with everything i wish and sundry &you're just rubbing around the edges and you make me want to barf chunks of corn. how can you LIVE with yourself and do that crap you do HUH?       I gottaBE me with no front no sides and do things the grownuprational way unlikeTHIS. I just want to know people. In their way. Stepping in their way instead of being the landscape. i don't look how i appear in text and neither do you, dear reader.

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