You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 18, 2001 - 5:41 p.m.

Living Hell?

Rosie and I got to the holiday house early and arranged candles and spangly stuff everywhere really nicely. Then Rosie got a call on her mobile phone and we madly began lighting all the candles and jumping around. Then we waited. Then people came.

It was Ruth's party. She is getting married soon. Ruth and her friends came up and saw the room. They were all like, "Hey, cool."

But do you know how long it took us to arrange everything? I even got out colour-co-ordinated bowls for the lollies. We expected at least an, "Oh, WOW! YOU GUYS DID A GREAT JOB!" But, nope. They just plonked themselves around and talked about themselves. Then I smeared some kind of mud mask thing on Ruth's head and it got in her hair. It was an accident.

We watched While You Were Sleeping, Ever After and Mulan. It was so chicky.

But guess what? We were watching Ever After, and Leonardo da Vinci whipped out a rolled-up version of the Mona Lisa at some stage in the film. One of the chicks at the party said, "Hey. Didn't Michaelangelo do the Mona Lisa?"

I was all like, "NUH!"

She said, "Well, then, who did it?"

We were all like, "Leonardo da Vinci, dude."

But she did not listen to us. She said, "It was the ear guy, wasn't it? The ear guy painted it! The guy with the ear!"

I suppose she meant Van Gogh.       loser.

And then today, we were watching Pride and Prejudice, something I actually like, which was nice. But people kept snickering at it like they'd read it and knew a secret code to it or something. I've read it! Only I must know the secret code!

Anyway, the very same young lady who thought 'the ear guy' painted trhe Mona Lisa said sonething about Pride and Prejudice along the lines of, "Hey. I thought they wore corsets in the sixteenth century!"

Dude, they did.

Rosie said I thrashed around and snored when I was sleeping. I'm embarrassed now.

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