You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 3, 2001 - 6:53 p.m.

There have been a lot of dead Nazi war criminals ringing up work lately. There�s been a spate of them. It's quite disconcerting. Last week, Albert Speer rang our office. I didn�t really understand why he�d need to ring an architectural office, as he was perfectly capable of inflicting lots of outrageous buildings on the world himself back in his day. Thank God the Third Reich died in the arse before the most ridiculous ones got built. Then today, Rudolf Hess rang. My boss giggled when Rosa picked up the phone and told him that Rudolf Hess was on the line. He and Rudolf must be good friends. In fact, my boss is having a conversation with him right now. He is talking about floor-to-ceiling heights. Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess have surprisingly similar phone voices. Who will it be next week? Fingers crossed it will be Dr. Mengele. I have a bone to pick with him.

I�m quite surprised that so many dead Nazi war criminals ring my office because my boss is a Marxist. I guess one needs spice in one�s life.

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