You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 4, 2001 - 3:10 p.m.

A girl who is in a band that I'm a blubbering fan of rang me yesterday. She said, "Dude - I really like your band! You guys sound like the Raincoats! Play a gig with us! NOW!"

As was to be expected, I was like, "YEEEEEEE-HAH!"

And didn't really say much else.

Now that the phone conversation is finished, I'm a little confused. I'm in two bands. Which band of mine did she want to play with? There's one band that I reallyreally want to play a gig as soon as possible. Then there's the other band, which in my life is second priority (yo, don't tell the singer). And I think she meant that one. That would suck if she meant that one. I don't want to play a gig with that one. Especially when the singer can't be bothered singing half the time. What if she meant that one? Help me.

The first band is God and will rule the world. The second one is more like one of those disciples that people always forget about.

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