You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 1, 2001 - 10:45 p.m.

Egads! I thought.

That's the only thing one can think when they've just encountered a person proudly wearing a PINSTRIPE CAPE.

This was the third time I'd seen it. The first time, about a week ago, it had its back to me and was billowing defiantly in the artificial breeze of the subway train platform. It came complete with pinstripe hood, for all one's hooded pinstripe needs.

Having sober grey pinstripes on a cape kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it? I thought. The whole point of a cape is to be flamboyant. To be an evil romantic vampire. To be a little bit wanky.

Well, they were doing that last one right. I told Roland that night, and he said it must have been a 'business cape'. A business cape indeed. I giggled. I thought the pinstripe cape had made a swift passage through my life and would be gone for good.

The second time it happened was yesterday. I was running down the escalator to get to the train, and who should be there, but the PINSTRIPE CAPE, elbows skewed out, taking up most of the width of the steps. Absolutely oblivious to anyone else; not playing by the rules because said pinstripe cape was a pinstripe cape. Pinstripe capes make their own rules, dude. They're rebels, man. This time, I got a closer look. Possibly the cape was made from high-quality wool.

Then, egads! Again, today! These sightings are getting too close together for comfort. I had just stepped onto the train and was paying all my attention to a lady who was behind me at the milk counter but had somehow managed to make it onto the train before me and even got a seat. Then, my eyes wandered slightly, and suddenly - WAH! Who should it be, but the PINSTRIPE CAPE, seated daintily with its back to me, not billowing in the least for once, holding an umbrella. Maybe this goddamn business cape lives near me. Maybe this hideous pinstripe cape is going to become a part of my life. My nemesis, my Ugly Baby equivalent when there isn't an Ugly Baby around - No!

I gotta chill.

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