You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) March 26, 2001 - 07:56 p.m.

On Sunday, I went and hung around the outside of a church for an hour because I forgot that daylight saving was finished, and I didn't have a watch. After what appreared to me to be an incredibly lengthy five minutes, a small man let me in. Then a taller man gave me a key. Then he showed me my new friend.

This piano is an old, old Steinberg, 'made for hot climates'. Two of the keys don't work: the B right at the bottom, and a D flat kinda near the top. I discovered that it's mostly OK because I don't have to play either of those notes in the songs I'm learning, but I gotta make sure I start some of my scales in strange places so there won't be random silent bits. Also, another B key likes to fly up and get in the way. And the piano sustains so much you wonder whether you're sitting on the sustain pedal, which of course you aren't, because then you'd have to reach up very far and backwards in order to play. But, hey. It's a piano. It's fun to be able to play one. And this morning, I had my first practice on it, and I was going nuts on it, which is always a good sign. But why are the keys so brown? People must have died on it. The seat is yellow.

i dislike mozart.

My guitar is busted. I need a soldering iron to fix it. It makes me very, very sad. Yesterday, an ostrich bit me. It looked so curious and happy and it blinked kindly. But it hurt me. Also, an emu ripped a big hole in my bag. What's up with me and birds? I miss my chicken.

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