You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


older/gbook/>>(in case of__)__//before&after ___my youtube__...
My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) March 28, 2001 - 09:39 a.m.

Last week, when Roland came over, I hadn't seen him in ages. He and I sat on a beanbag and we watched Monarch of the Glen on the telly but I watched part of the top of his head instead. It was very blurry and hairy, but it was cute and fun. This is Clare Love.

The people on Temptation Island had a different kind of love. It was Weird Love. They got to mess with each others' minds, and they got to mess with willing single people's minds. They got with other people for two weeks, and then everything was hunky-dory, with the emphasis on 'dory'. And after the show wrapped, Billy went and got a career in entertainment. And he will be successful. Because of the show. That's so American. Maybe he will bring out a line of cute reversible handbags. And Kaya - that evil dude - he had man boobs, yet he managed to get chicks crying over him, he was pashing them like there was no tomorrow, and then he and Valerie, after a few tears, were fine again. It's not fine. Kaya got the best of twenty zillion worlds, and he still gets his old girlfriend in the end. Valerie was very well-behaved and she didn't do any naughty stuff. She deserves better. Gah.

Yes, anyway. I'm at work and I'm having lunch with Michele today, and maybe dinner with my aunty. The hand that the ostrich bit is better now, but I'm still angry with it. My piano and my guitar are still broken. I can play Broken by Pantera. It's the only Pantera song I know. Buffy was good.

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