You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 23, 2001 - 16:49:27

Hello! How nice it is to be on the internet! It's a bummer not having any at my house. There are so many things to tell you.

I've just recovered from two gigs in a row, one of which I played in two bands. My gig with Clearway, the band I play bass in, was an absolute fiasco. Horrendous and actually nice every now and then, it was something I wished wasn't happening. A word of warning: do not play a gig with a band you practice with about once per three months. Yuck. But afterwards, I got to be in Unfolding Mud mode and do cool stuff with my guitar. Like, play it. It was fun and everybody clapped.

The next night, Unfolding Mud took the stage again on our whirlwind World Tour of Inner City Melbourne. I was very nervous and played the guitar very shittily. I think I have some pretty decent ideas. I just play really badly. Oh, well. More practice is the solution.

Anyway, yes. I drank two beers, which is two more beers than I've had all year. Riders are good. Apparently, I'm going to meet J Mascis tomorrow. FLIPPANT NAME DROP.

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