You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


older/gbook/>>(in case of__)__//before&after ___my youtube__...
My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) January 14, 2000 - 08:18:38

Right now, I'm really mad at my parents. They made me cry, and I hadn't cried for months, maybe even a whole year. Wait... no. Just a few months. When I woke up, they said, "Bye! We're going to the market!" I was all like, "What? Is this yet another thing you're going to disappear off to without telling me?" They were all like, "Yeah." Especially my Dad. I said, "Please can I come too? Please?" I estimated that I could have been ready in five minutes, so my Mum said OK but my Dad said no. Then he got angry at me for sounding annoyed. Um, hello? What did he expect? It's like he never wants me to go on outings with them. They never hint that they're going to do something exciting the next day, and then when the next day comes, I wake up and they say, "Bye! Lock the front door as we leave!" I'm about to leave home, dammit. I'm moving out in two weeks. I'm going to miss them. I thought they'd miss me too and want to do shit with me before I went. But, no. Obviously not. I am so fucking pissed off. Fuck.

Remember my old friend? Well, it put in an appearance yesterday. It had migrated to my sister Lisa's room, and she found this out while reading a book and a glimpse of something moving out of the corner of her eye. The spider made a mad dash from her window to the other side of the room and it came to rest above her doorway. It's a fast little bugger, isn't it? It's always running and jumping. My Mum put it in a jar and threw it over the fence so the next-door-neighbours could have it. I believe that it's probably running back towards the house right now, really pissed off. Kinda like me, actually. Except I'm already in the house.

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