You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) January 10, 2001 - 00:25:40

Last night, I had a cool dream. I dreamt that I was in one of those dandy comedy-slash-drama-college-tv-shows - you know the ones - and my character had to pretend to have no arms. I had perfectly good arms, but for some reason I had to stick my hands in my armpits all year and pretend my arms had been tragically cut off from the elbows down. Every now and again, I'd need to use my hands to open doors and such things, but no-one seemed to notice. I felt bad about it, though, so at the end of semester, I told everyone the truth.

And now for something completely different...

I have high hopes for my sister, Lisa. She is terribly clever and she works very hard, a pretty rare combination and two qualities both of which I pretty much lack. I reckon she's going to become a terrorist and here's five reasons why:

  • She sees civil disturbances on the news and asks, "Why can't that sort of stuff ever happen in Australia?"
  • She is studying law this year and wants to specialize in International Law
  • She tapes shows about war and revolution and government special services and eats junk food while watching them all day long
  • She owns too many X-Files figurines
  • Me.

    I told her to become a terrorist, and just to, you know, push her in the right direction, gave her Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche for Christmas. It would be the coolest thing ever if she became a terrorist. I'd be so jealous. Because I couldn't do it.

    And here's a picture of my legs and feet leaning on a chair.

    Cherry Soda [prev | list | join | next]