You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 24, 2000 - 16:25:39

FUCK. I have lost my glasses. They cost three hundred bucks and lasted about three weeks. On a lighter note, I found my mobile phone while looking for them.

FUCK. Unfolding Mud was asked to play a gig but we can't because Michele is in China. Damn fuck fuck fuck damn. Oh, well. It's exciting anyway, though.

FUCK. My e-mail isn't working and I'm stressing out because I want some human contact (my family in the other room isn't counted right now) and I need someone to tell me that everything's fine and there's no need to freak out about glasses and jobs and stuff.

Someone just ICQed me then and asked, "wassup?" I lied and told then that nothing was up. Damn.

FUCK. Just because.

Here is a list of things that are cool when foreign people say them:

British People: I like it when they say, "Um." Because it's a kind of "Errrrrrm" thing that is wonderfully appealing.

American People: When they say "Charlie" they say it with this childlike innocence thing that's the total opposite to the pointy way they usually sound.

That's the end of my list. It's a short list because it's Christmas Eve.

No. It's just a short list.

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