You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 20, 2000 - 09:19:15

I had band practice with Clearway last night. Man, it was really fun. It was really fun mostly because I haven't had any sort of band practice for a few weeks. We invented a few new songs and we all swapped instruments which made for much hilarity. I can't describe how much fun band practice is. I have a piano lesson today which is kinda like band practice but not really.

Yesterday, I bought a top and it cost thirty-five big ones. It's a little expensive, but I was feeling super daggy at the time and needed a wee bit of something or other to cheer me up. It's a pretty cool top; just not worth thirty-five bucks. The lady who sold it to me was crazy. She kept laughing and snorting. She asked what I was going to do for the rest of the day, so I said I was going to go Christmas shopping (which was a lie because the truth, which was that I was going to buy some blue and orange thread and then have a piano practice sounded a bit silly). She laughed and snorted and told me "Good luck". I said something basic like, "Thanks. I need all the luck I can get", and this set off a most alarming bout of laughing and snorting that I had to do a bit of a snort myself. Then I went away.

I don't get the band At the Drive In. I don't like them, either. Of course the singer has no idea about singing, but normally I can cope with that. I could even cope with his hair. But, man, that bass player is nuts. The bass player just bugs me by choosing the exact opposite note to what would sound cool. It's like he thinks of a cool note to play, and then thinks, "Hm. I don't like that note, even though it's the best note to play. I will pick another." And then he goes on his own little journey through the song that no-one else is really doing. I know it's a big call to hate the bass player, but yeah.

I just don't understand how anyone could like this band. I just don't get it, though I do believe that every band has gotta have a fan. But, like, arg. I just don't get it. There's other bands that I don't get, like Talking Heads, but I can understand why people would want to like them. Talking Heads are good. At the Drive In is bad.

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