You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) December 7, 2000 - 05:04:56

I hed to wake up very, very early yesterday. Like, really really early. Like, reallyreallyreally early. Like 5:30 AM. I haven't woken up at a ridiculous time like 5:30 AM since I finished university five weeks ago. The reason for my earliness is so I could drive Roland to the hospital to get a boil removed from his arse.

To get this boil removed from his arse, he had to go under general anasthaetic. It must have been a pretty evil boil, but when I saw it a few weeks ago it looked pretty innocent. Roland now has a tube coming out of his butt that gets all the fluid to come out.

I'm going to visit him today with May and I'm going to make a toy for him. I think I'm going to make a toy nose, just for fun.

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