You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 5, 2000 - 00:17:02

It's morning, but only just.

Remember how I got my sister Lisa her Christmas present already, and how I wasn't going to tell her what it was until I gave it to her on the big day of jolly fun? (if not, simply press here) Well, I kinda gave it to her. I can't handle suspense in any shape or form. Challenges just aren't my thang, baby.

This week, I have been going nuts on doing all sorts of useless quizzes. I have found out that my dream celebrity date is Ben Affleck and/or Jennifer Lopez, that I have an I.Q., that I'm red, that I am a 'party owl', that I seem to be a sex goddess (guffaw), and that I am peppermint-flavoured. All these things will help me heaps in the real world, of course, especially the peppermint-flavoured bit. I'm not going to do the 'what kind of dog are you' test.

I applied for a job at a law firm today. I don't really know why. I'm supposed to be looking for a job in an architectural firm, but I got sidetracked. I told the job lady that I'd just finished an architecture degree, and she was all like, "WOAH." Just about everyone "WOAH"s when they find out I'm an architect chick, but they just don't understand that architects are just the hairdressers of the building industry. Architects aren't gods. They are dumbasses. Except for Charles Rennie Mackintosh (super Scottish art-nouveau architect guy). I really hate architecture sometimes. Does it require much skill, let alone six miserable years at uni? I can tell you now, nope, it doesn't. "Look at me. I can draw many straight lines and I wear black." Black does suit me, though. Roar.

My hair was nice today. It was red and curly, like it usually is, but today it was extra red and extra curly. It kicked ass. The rest of me, on the other hand, just kind of slapped ass around a bit.

I am woman. Hear me type.

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