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(diaryland) November 9, 2000 - 08:45:28

I got a coffee sample in the mail today. Plus I got a free handcream sample too. I like free stuff. It's weird, because last week I was eating toast for lunch because I had no money, and this week I suddenly have three hundred bucks, free coffee and handcream samples, plus I won money on the horses at the Melbourne Cup. I won three whole dollars. Well, actually, two dollars and ninety cents. I still had toast for lunch, though, and you will find out why because I have decided to list ten things you may not know about me.

Ten things you might not know about me

  • Lightning scares the shit out of me. Man. I am so amazingly scared of it. I used to block my ears for hours when I was little because I couldn't even stand the noise of thunder. Now, if I'm outside and I can see lightning, from no matter how far away, I freak out and run home. I hate it when people say they really like thunderstorms and they mention how cool they look. Is that supposed to make me feel better? Am I not allowed to be scared of something that looks nice? Am I some sort of plebian or something?

  • I have a beanbag frog named Plebian.

  • I have another beanbag frog named Plebian. It's a different colour to the other one.

  • I have a love-hate relationship with the band Pink Floyd. But it's mostly hate. They're so wanky, but through all that wank, sometimes they manage to actually be entertaining. Last week, at 5AM, I was listening to the radio and I went to sleep at the start of Shine On You Crazy Diamond and I woke up at the end of it, which is about fifty billion years later, feeling refreshed and replenished. That just about sums up my relationship with them.

  • Apart from Roland, in my whole entire life, I have only kissed one boy and one girl. And the girl gave me a dollar for doing it. I think she was using me.

  • I enjoy embroidery. I make lots of kick-ass traditional sampler things that my parents frame and hang on the wall. I make dresses for dolls and stuff. My current project is a huge sampler that's taken me a year so far but it's almost finished now.

  • I'm sorta like an atheist. But I pray to God every night, you know, just in case. And it makes me feel better.

  • I am on the pill because without it, my period pain is worse than the time I got appendicitis and had to get it removed. It hurt a lot, but not as much as a period.

  • Speaking of getting my appendix out, I have the best scar ever on the right side of my tummy. It's six centimetres long.

  • I left my Girlfriend magazine at Michele's house last night. Damn.

    So there you go. Ten things about me that are all extremely exciting and stuff. After all that, I didn't mention a thing about toast. Oops. I was going to mention that I can't stand eating bread that's more than a few hours old, so I have to toast it. So now you know eleven things about me. Maybe I'll do another one of these lists one day, but for now, I'm going to put on some free hand cream or something.

    Cherry Soda [prev | list | join | next]