You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) November 14, 2000 - 07:29:01

Yesterday, I had my last exam for a very long time. Then May and I promptly got lost in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't very nice. It took about three hours more than usual to get home, just because we decided to be exciting and go to Camberwell by tram. The tram said Camberwell, yet it did not go to Camberwell. It sucked. Then I stayed up really late and watched a show about ballet.

This morning I woke up at 8:00 AM which wasn't very nice at all, because the stupid Sun shone right in my window. I really need more sleep. When I don't get enough sleep and I play the violin, my ear twitches and it's REALLY ANNOYING, and I'm supposed to have a big violin practice today. I'm so damn tired. Stupid Sun. It's all your fault. Why the hell do you have to shine in my window like that? Why can't you just bugger off, huh? Yeah - piss off, Sun. Yeah. Uh... I didn't actually mean it. Sun? Sun? Where are you, Sun? Come back, Sun! Come back! SUN!

Sorry, everyone. It's all my fault.

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