You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) October 29, 2000 - 19:15:38

I only just then discovered that Michele has a diaryland diary of her own, and she hasn't written in it for a week. It's a really cool diary, though. Michele, dude, write in it more. I command you.

Yesterday, we had band practice, and then we went to a recording studio where we listened to various things and a bunch of serious knowledgeable dudes told us how good they were at recording music. Which was very nice. And then Diane and I went around giving demos to pubs and stuff. Which wasn't so nice, but it had to be done. It mostly involved me holding out our demo at someone, saying, "Uh..uh....uhhhhh....." and Diane actually saying coherent stuff. Which was nice.

I have just discovered that Forest Whitaker was in that crap-sounding movie Battlefield Earth. Bummer, man, because I thought that Forest was like the perfect guy or something. Well, he still is, I suppose. He's just in Battlefield Earth. Deep breaths. I can cope. Yesterday, I saw a movie on the telly late at night, and he was in it. He went outside in his pyjamas and smashed the window of a car and switched off its alarm. And a lady stuck her head out of a window and said, "God bless you!" And he did one of those stupendous grins that only he can do so awfully well. It was cool. You know who else is cool? Nah, it's not worth telling. Everyone knows who it is anyway.

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