You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 28, 2000 - 00:51:37

Yes. I superglued my eye early one morning.

I was watching the Today show, wondering how come there's always so many people standing around there hoping that jolly Al guy will ask them where they're from, when I inadvernantly wiped a bunch of superglue to my eye. The stinging came first, then the tears, and then the most unusual sensation of one's lower eyelid wrinkling up. I don't know how to describe this feeling. It just all puckered up. My eye was crying its little heart out (not that my eye has a heart, to my knowledge) and all my eyelashes were stuck together. Two days later, they're still stuck together, dammit, and it's not a nice feeling. It's uncomfortable. The moral of the story is, don't make models using superglue at 3:30AM whilst watching the Today show.

I think that there is something in Wesley Snipes' contract that says: "In every movie, Wesley shall become wounded and must remove his top so everyone can see all his shiny muscles whilst someone (can be self) stitches him up/removes a bullet/tracking device." I saw the Art of War today. I thought it was going to be more about the book. But it was mostly about Wesley doing justice and all that jazz. Which was nice.

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