You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) October 4, 2000 - 07:11:28

Roland and I sat down in the cinema. I let him eat some of my lollies. We were seeing the movie Ordinary Decent Criminal, and we thought we knew what that movie was. We thought it was that one with Jude Law and Johnny Lee Miller and the dudes from Operation Good Guys. When the lights dimmed down and the preview for the movie we were under the illusion we were seeing started playing, I felt that something was awry. When the title of that movie came up and did not include any words involving Ordinary, Decent or Criminal, we were worried. The movie we wanted to see was called Love, Honour and Obey. Then what the hell were we about to see now?

We soon found out. Ordinary Decent Criminal is a lovely feelgood comedy involving a bunch of non-Irish actors pretending to be loveable quaint Irish fellows. It ended up being rather nice but I did feel like a stupid idiot having gone to the wrong movie. But, hey. Anything to get my mind off my horrible disfiguring rash (which has since disappeared, friends).

If you'd like a slighty different angle on the whole experience, but basically the same when I think about it, go here for Roland's diary entry - Love, Honour and Criminal


That night I dreamed I paid $205 for a surfboard that looked suspiciously like an ironing board. It still worked, though.

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