You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) October 1, 2000 - 20:22:06

Dude. Man. I think I'm allergic to my cold or something.

Get this. I have a cold, right? A normal, run-of-the-mill cold. But I also got this rash, like a bonus. It's on my elbows, knees and feet, but nowhere else. Well, it is trying to get started on my hands, but I'm having none of that. It's all very red and it itches like there's no tomorrow.

I went to the doctor and she looked at my rashy bits and she said, "Hmm." Then she got another doctor to come and look at my rashy bits and he said, "Hmm." They both "Hmm"ed a wee bit longer, then the second doctor went away.

The first doctor said that I needed a blood test. She whipped out a needle and shoved it into my arm. She pumped at least ten millilitres of blood out of me.

I said, "Hey, man. What are you going to do with all that blood?"

She said that she didn't know but she needed to put it into two test tubes. So she did. And then there was still heaps of blood left over. She said, "Hmm. What can I do with the rest?" She pondered over all the exciting options and then decided that she could test my blood sugar level by squirting some onto a pad thing stuck to a liquid crystal display thing. It said 5.7. She said, "This is very good. Did you have breakfast?"

I said, "No."

There was still a bunch of blood left over. That was a waste of perfectly good A negative blood. I needed that blood, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of making it, would've I?.

In a couple of days, I will find out all the exciting things a bunch of lab dudes did to my blood. Till then, I keep looking at my elbows every few minutes and creeping myself out. God, dude, don't let it spread. I have school tomorrow.

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