You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 4, 2000 - 18:17:42

Rahh. I'm crazy. I'm nuts. I had a piano practice today, though. But I'm still nuts. I'm insane in the membrane, and, as a bonus, I'm insane in the brain. Are you getting crazy with me? Don't you know I'm loco?

Sometimes, I read the diary of this dude I don't know named gardener and he makes me feel better about things. He is doing an Architecture degree too, but he stresses out way more than I do. At least he does his homework, even if he tends to do it in twenty-hour cram sessions. Look at me. I have this huge presentation thing tomorrow. And what am I doing? I'm here, writing about how stupid I am. That's pretty stupid, man. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I'm using the excuse that the glue is drying on my model and that's why I'm here. My excuse falls through a little bit because the glue dries in ten seconds.

I'm crazy! Someone inject me with a procrastination immunisation! Or stick a knife in my thyroid gland. Then I could get an extension on this damn bloody work.

Buildings suck.

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