You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) September 24, 2000 - 12:22:18

Well, apparently it's September the 24th. I can't believe it. Surely it's still May. I haven't been updating this diary, even though so many weird and wonderful things have happened to me over the past few weeks (including my birthday), because I'm in my last few weeks of university. I thought that if I even so much as looked at the computer till the end of semester, I'd be done for. I have been known to spend many a long stretch of time exploring the furthest reaches of the internet jungle instead of doing my homework. So, here I am, internet-free, um, on the internet, updating my diary. Yeah. Whoops.

What have I been doing whilst internet-free? I haven't been breathing in fresh air. I've taken to watching the Olympics all day long and having showers at strange times of the day. That's not so productive. I have, however, suddenly discovered all this time to do lots of violin and piano practice. This is good. I'm meant to practice both instruments for two hours a day each, and I've never bothered until the past two weeks to actually do it. The only drawback is that I hate scales more than ever. Woah. Too many scales, man.

So I won't be updating till near the end of October very much (I still will pop in every now and again, though) unless something spectacularly amazing happens to me and I just have to write it down.

There's this one thing I've noticed. Ever since I've been off the internet, I have eaten zero oreos. Now that I've been on the internet, just updating my diary here, I've eaten two already and I'm about to go onto my third. Hmm.

I have a sore throat.

I miss you, diary. I miss you, internet. Internet, man - I miss you a lot.

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