You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) September 13, 2000 - 19:39:58

Shit. It's my birthday in a few days. I just realised. I'm not really prepared. I mean, it takes a lot of effort to have a birthday, doesn't it?

Last night I had a dream that I was getting married to some guy from The Practice. I don't even watch that show.

I was wearing jeans, and I went to the church and I was seven hours late, but everyone was still there. Suddenly, I realised that I didn't want to marry the guy, even though he had really good teeth and a phone book (yellow pages), so I ran away to Olympia. There I went to this bright red weatherboard building that was apparently the Riot Grrl headquarters, and there were all these cooler-than-thou chicks in there that made me a cup of coffee with two sugars, just the way I like it. I told them about the guy from The Practice, and they understood. I told them that I attended Rock n Roll High School, and they were all highly impressed. They asked lots of questions about it, and I told them it was fun going there. Then I woke up.

I got this huge flashback of the dream today while I was in the car with Diane. She just mentioned something, and I was like, "Woah." It all came flooding back.

I have an eye infection today. Yesterday, I had the exact same infection, but it was in the other eye. It's because of eye-makeup. Sometimes I like to wear a bunch of black stuff around my eyes, and it usually seems to give me nasty eye infections. It's annoying.

On Saturday, I'm meant to be going to this party with Rosie and Michele where the instructions are to "dress kinky". What, exactly, is kinky? I am in no way inherently kinky. I'm thinking I'll go in a huge shark costume or something.

I went to a short film festival yesterday. I'll save that for another diary entry.

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