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(diaryland) September 11, 2000 - 16:48:02

I like Faxed Head. Today is a Faxed Head type of day.

I was walking through university and I overheard a guy talking to another guy, saying this: "Me? Well, I suppose you could say I'm a democratic socialist..." I almost laughed out loud, but I restrained myself. What a typical university student thing to say. But then it occurred to me that I also think democratic socialism is pretty groovy. I have been known to read 'Green Left Weekly' and I often wear an ugly green jacket with stars on it which I loudly remind everyone is my 'Communist Jacket'.

But, hey. That's what university is all about, isn't it? To be all cool and idealistic and pinko and beat and poor and talk in this fucking weird accent that only university students use? I should enjoy it and make the most of it. After all, it's meant to be the best years of your life, isn't it? Isn't it?

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