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(diaryland) September 6, 2000 - 11:04:09

Man. Today on the bus I saw a guy whose face should be on the cover of a Butthole Surfers album.

Well, my life's pretty much a soggy little mess. Well, my school life, that is. And I never practice violin or piano, and I'm doing eighth grade for both of those.

So, today, I turn over a new leaf. Here's the things I promise myself I will do:

  • I will fix up all the things I've done at uni wrong. For instance, there was that thing last week where I didn't hand something in. Tonight, I will finish the damn thing and I will show it to my new teacher tomorrow, no matter how shitscared I will be about it. And I will try fucking hard at that subject I got a zero for on Monday.
  • I will practice violin and piano at least one hour a day each. I know there's some days I won't be able to practice because I'm at school all day, but I will practice one-and-a-half hours on other days to make up for it. I just can't hack two hours. It kills me. Especially if I'm doing two instruments. I'm in the middle of a two-hour piano practice right now. I've done forty minutes, and I even used a metronome. Go me.
  • I will do three hours of homework per day. I really will. Watch me.
  • I will not spend ten billion years on the internet. I will limit myself to two hours, max. I've done my two hours for today by the time I finish this diary entry. No coming back on today, even to look at this list.
  • I will go to bed at reasonable times, unless of course I gotta finish work, and then I won't go to bed thinking, "Hmm. I will do it tomorrow." and then sleep through my alarm somehow.
  • I will wear something different every day, instead of wearing the same thing for a week.
  • I will watch way more mindless TV shows. I have decided that Ricki Lake is good for me, and I should watch it more often. Also, I should watch more "World's Best Bloopers" type shows. I will also try and watch some quality telly.
  • I will buy some new fish and a hardness test kit to keep them fit and healthy.
  • I will make a cover for the Unfolding Mud demo, and I will seek out gigs. I've already started on making a layout for an Unfolding Mud website. Wanna see? The unfinished Unfolding Mud site

    OK. That's all I can think of for now. The most important thing is the first thing; that damage control thing. I also think the TV thing is important. The point of that is to make me feel better about life, generally. The music thing should make me have a better attitude about stuff generally, and the internet thing will give me more time.

    If all this fails, which it probably will, I've decided the solution is to simply turn over another leaf. I'll just keep turning leaves till the end of semester. That should do the trick.

    Postscript: Remember The Poo Story? Well, today, I walked past my poo. Someone had stepped in it, big time. Ha.

    Cherry Soda [prev | list | join | next]