You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 28, 2000 - 18:13:58

Well, it seems that Napster is closing down tonight. I only just found out. I'm trying to think of all the mp3s I would ever want so I can download them right now, but I can't think of any at all.

It was my first week back at uni. I go to Melbourne University. I'm doing third year architecture. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I hate it.

On Monday, I had Architectural Practice A. The dude who is head of the architecture department is the lecturer, so we were all on our best behaviour. In this subject, we learn all about how to not get sued, how to kiss clients' butts, and how to not go over a budget too much. We only have a two-hour lecture for this subject every week. Sweet.

On Tuesday, I had Design 3. I came into the lecture theatre slightly late, so I went in the back row to check whether there were any handouts, and I hear this rude bellow: "DON'T SIT UP THE BACK, PLEASE!" It was the lecturer, a red-faced fellow with a huge daisy attatched to his jacket. Suddenly, I knew I wasn't going to like this subject. He had the whole of the class crammed up the front of the theatre. Now, I like a bit of space to stretch out and put down all the crap I carry around with me, but the lecturer would have none of this. I had to sit at the front, right next to a girl who proceeded to rummage through my stuff and open my Brujeria CD without asking. For those of you who don't know who Brujeria is, they're not the sort of band everyone will take an immediate shine to. The inside cover features the decapitated head of a Mexican druglord. This girl looks at me funny now.

That afternoon, we had the Design 3 tutorial. We had to design a campsite. I can't believe that we are doing this. This is third year architecture, man, and no-one in their right mind draws up a 1:20 scale plan and elevation drawing of a campsite. You just go to the place where you wanna camp, you pitch a tent, and you make a fire. The tutor wouldn't even let me have a beanbag at my campsite.

I'm not going to talk about Tuesday anymore. It makes me very angry.

On Wednesday, I didn't have uni. I went to work, but it was closed forever. What happened on Wednesday could make a whole other diary entry, but I won't. I have to look for another job now. I think I'm going to be a piano teacher.

On Thursday, we had Design 3 with that daisy guy again, only he wasn't wearing a daisy this time. He introduced a guest lecturer who gave us a one-hour talk about huts while I breathed in the smell of the sweaty bodies rubbing up against me. I hate the daisy guy.

On Friday, I had Introduction to Film Theory, a subject that architecture students aren't really allowed to do. We're only meant to do architecture subjects, which sucks. I had to beg to do this subject, but they let me, which is nice. I probably should be doing something useful like Rendering or something, but I don't care. I will talk about this subject later because I'm sure there's heaps of things I'll want to say about it.

Bye bye for now. Please talk to my diary.

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