You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 21, 2000 - 14:59:31

I've been meaning to watch the film "The Birds" for a while now but I just haven't gotten round to it. I think that my desire to see this film manifested itself in my dream. So, this is my take on "The Birds".

It began on the street. There were ravens flying overhead. I knew that the ravens were dangerous. They squawked and flew around in packs. It was cloudy. I felt so worried about the ravens that I started crawling. I even crawled across a fairly busy road, but I've done that in real life before while drunk. The ravens started swooping. Suddenly, Skeet Ulrich dressed in the same gear he wore in the movie "Ride With the Devil" ran up to me on a horse and handed me a gun so I could shoot at the birds. Then he galloped off again. I didn't use the gun, but it made me feel better. I still crawled, though.

When I was inside what appeared to be my own house, my flatmates (people I've never met in real life) were really relieved to see me. It got dark pretty quickly which made the whole dream more scary. We could still hear the squawking, and then suddenly a bird hit the window. We closed all the curtains. Then another bird hit the window, then another. One of my flatmates, who looked like Mildred from the show "George and Mildred" started screaming. Birds began to pelt the window. A flatmate who wore glasses said that if the birds did manage to break the windows and come inside the house it would be OK if we opened some newspapers and got them to read them, because birds hate reading. So we all went round the house, collecting newspapers.

Then my alarm went off far too early and I got up.

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