You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) June 28, 2000 - 20:51:23

It's 10:51 PM. I'm in my pyjama top. I've been wearing it all day. I've eaten countless chocolate biscuits today. I practiced piano for three hours (I get ten brownie points for this one). I've watched way too much telly. I've been doing this sort of thing a lot. It's my holiday syndrome.

I've got the most overwhelming big break from university. I can't start studying for next semester. I'm spending all my money on buying my bass, so I can't go out, even if I wanted to (which I don't). My two best friends are in other bits of the country. I need to return library books. Boy, do I need to return library books. I will. Tomorrow. I've even designed a web page for someone I don't know. That's how much I need to fill in time. I've been doing an ambitious cross-stitch thingy. I'm really into old American samplers, and I've been doing this one for ages. It's huge. I will take a picture of it when it's finished and post it up in my diary for you to see. I have also been making some noise music which I posted up on my website. I love noise music - bands like the Boredoms and Maldoror do it just the way I like it.

I'm supposed to be looking for a job for next year when I'm meant to have work experience. I'm scared of doing that. My parents keep on telling me; they keep saying it and when I go, "OK," they say, "No. You DO have to find a job." I'm like, "OK." Then they keep going with that and I hate it. But they're right. I need to stop saying OK.

I've cleaned my room. What an absolute miracle! It's not vacuumed, though. That will happen tomorrow. I PROMISE.

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