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(diaryland) June 19, 2000 - 16:56:32

CDs I will get in August, dammit:

Mystery White Boy - Jeff Buckley
Mer De Noms - A Perfect Circle
White Pony - Deftones
All Hands on the Bad One - Sleater-Kinney
Pump Up the Valuum - NOFX
Some Old Bullshit - Beastie Boys
lots of Boredoms CDs
and Fantomas CDs I can find that I haven't already got

Arg! What else? I've forgotten. There were lots last time I thought about this.

This is my bass. Only it's not my bass yet. It will be in my hot little hands sometime near the end of August because I can't have it until I pay it all off. I'm only two-sevenths of the way there. That's not very much. I can only afford to pay off one hundred dollars every two weeks (and it's seven hundred dollars), and then I have fifty left over to last me throughout the fortnight.

That's why I can't get any CDs for now. It bugs me. I need to clean up my room and find all the CDs I've lost. I keep stepping on the cases and crushing them with my heels. I need more CDs! I've got over two hundred; perhaps three hundred, but that's not nearly enough.

I think I need clothes a bit more than I need CDs, though. Maybe I'll go to an op shop next week. It'll be the first time that I buy something for myself in a while. Hey, what am I talking about? The reason why I'm so poor at the moment is because I'm buying myself a bass. Geez.

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