You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 26, 2021 - 7:51 a.m.

It's Purim today.

Just saw a sullen clown in orthotic shoes and a cross-body handbag walking around.

The guy next door at the plastic bag factory would always get into the Purim spirit by wearing an extra shiny long black coat. But they closed up last year. A big fancy pub and co-working space is going to get built there one day.

The guys who worked at the plastic bag factory would always get really mad if you parked certain places and their truck would always be blocking the way out of the dead-end street. They would yell at each other and at the forklift guy who is always zooming around in front of our office.

I kinda miss that energy. I didn't think I would.

Now it's empty and every now and then someone with a clipboard comes and takes a look. Maybe they're thinking about how to build the new development.

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