You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


older/gbook/>>(in case of__)__//before&after ___my youtube__...
My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) August 01, 2002 - 2:55 p.m.

Dude, I've been totally socially inept this week so far. It's all these thousands of people who tend to mill around university, going to classes and stuff. There's just too many of them. I've been hiding up the back of the lecture theatres so all I can see is the back of millions of heads, and so far it's working. But after every lecture, I bolt out the back door and zoom home.

And when I see a friend, I shriek and run away. Not sure why. I'm starting to feel like a bit of an idiot. One guy said hello to me, and I said, "BWa-lfkednf..... zzzznd?"

I'm going to try and be normal tomorrow.


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