You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) July 30, 2002 - 5:25 p.m.

I went to see Phantom Planet last night.

The support band made me feel real uneasy. It was like this male model with a pretty good voice got styled and whacked in front of a bunch of session musicians and let loose on the world in a kind of slick, greasy way. However, there were some very nice bits in most of the songs that lasted about two seconds. The songs were way too fucking long, though.

And then they went away, and Phantom Planet came on. I was right down the front, staring into the band's crotches, something I kinda hate but always end up doing. Anyway, they were good, they were fun, they were spunky, they were cheeky, they were jumpy, and they played some damn fine chooooooons. Plus there was no psycho moshing or stage jumping on the part of the audience. I'm too old for that kind of sweaty shit. I would almost say it was the most awesomest, funnest gig I'd ever been to.

The only weird thing that happened afterwards was that I lost faith in humanity. I guess when the guitarist with the glasses wears a t-shirt that says, "Take me", he really means it, man.

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