You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) April 11, 2002 - 10:46 p.m.

Hey, baby.

Meena and Sam are in my design group. We are being forced to design a medium density low-cost housing project on a site facing the cemetary as a school project. Mr-squiggle gets to do it too in another group. Last week, the tutor told my group our design was vomit-bad, we were spawn of evil and should be burnt to death with big burny things.

Well, actually he said that our work was "very poor and we needed to do a lot more for next time."

But, anyway, we decided to like, try this week. You know, what the hell. Trying might end up being rewarding.

So we worked hard. Well, I worked hard. I worked hard until last night when Meena promised she and Sam would take over and finish what I had done. My masterplan was so good you'd cry if you saw it. It's like art, lady. But it wasn't anywhere near finished.

I gave my plans to Meena and buggered off home.

Anyway, the next thing I knew, Meena called me and said the plans were in a locked room and they couldn't get at them.


I didn't sleep much that night. We had to show the tutor we had worked our arses off the very next day.


I got to school at eleven today. That 'Sam and Meena,' I thought. 'Locked room. Tish and pish.' I went to the room. The door was still locked. I figuratively cried and pounded on the wall.

Actually, I went and had lunch with Michele in a dainty garden.

But anyway, I didn't feel good. I was stressing out. I kept getting hot flushes. At one o'clock, I got to the room where our plans were and found it finally unlocked.


Anyway, bla bla bla, me panicky, Sam and Meena still not materializing, me colouring, Michele colouring, me freaking out, me sad, me knowing we did not do enough, Sam and Meena appearing right before the tutorial and not helping much.

We went to the tutorial. We pinned up our work along with everyone else. The tutor said, "Do you have MORE work to pin up than THAT?"

My face went red. "YES!!!!!" I said. Not sure why, because there wasn't anything else at all to pin up.

After an hour, he got to our group. Sam was somewhere else. The first thing the tutor said was, "Well, I see you've just stuck on a whole bunch of old Victorian terrace houses onto the site, haven't you?"

I yelled, "No WAY, MAN! They're this, this and this, etc...."

He said, "Wa-hey. I was only kidding."

I said, "No. Nope. No way. Just don't. Just don't joke with me, man. I can't handle it. NO."

The bottom of my face had gone all crimson and stuff. That means I'm furious. I braced myself for a big tongue-lashing like we got last week.

It didn't come. He really liked our design.

That's the end of the story.

The moral is, return your videos to the correct store.

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